Spain Digital Nomad Visa: Work remotely
The digital nomad visa is the most anticipated type of visa of the year, as it will allow citizens of other countries to work from home in Spain and reside legally while working for overseas companies and this type of residency came into force on January 1th of this year.
What is the spanish digital nomad visa?
To apply for a traditional work visa, you need a contract with a Spanish company or a letter of invitation, so for those who work remotely it becomes complicated to apply for this type of visa, which is why the digital nomad visa has been introduced.
Consequently, the visa for digital nomads will allow remote workers the possibility of staying in Spanish territory for a longer period of time.
Who can apply for a digital nomad visa for Spain?
Qualified professionals who can prove that they are graduates or postgraduates from reputable universities, vocational training and business schools of recognised prestige or with at least three years’ professional experience.
What requirements must be accredited?
a) The existence of a real and continued activity for at least one year of the company or group of companies with which the worker has an employment or professional relationship.
b) Documentation accrediting that the employment or professional relationship can be carried out remotely.
c) In the case of an employment relationship, proof must be provided of the existence of the same between the worker and the company not located in Spain for at least the last three months prior to the submission of the application, as well as documentation accrediting that said company allows the worker to carry out the work activity remotely.
d) In the case of the existence of a professional relationship, proof must be provided that the worker has had a business relationship with one or more companies not located in Spain for at least the last three months, as well as documentation accrediting the terms and conditions under which the professional activity is going to be carried out remotely.

How can I apply for a digital nomad visa in Spain?
If you want to reside in Spain, you can apply for a VISA AT THE CONSULATE OF YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (it will have a maximum duration of one year and within 60 days prior to the expiry of the visa you may apply for the residence permit for international remote worker) or AUTHORISATION OF RESIDENCE FROM SPAIN (it will have a maximum duration of three years unless it is requested for a shorter period of work. Holders of this authorisation may apply for its renewal for periods of two years) to carry out international work or an employment or professional activity remotely for companies located outside the national territory, through the exclusive use of computer, telematic and telecommunication means and systems.
In the case of an employment activity, the holder of the international remote work authorization may only work for undertakings located outside the national territory.
In the case of a professional activity, the holder of the international telework authorisation (remote worker authorisation) shall be allowed to work for an undertaking located in Spain, provided that the percentage of such work does not exceed 20 % of the total professional activity.
What are some of the advantages of the Spain digital nomad visa?
The first major advantage will be having to possibility of working remotely for overseas companies whilst living in Spain.
Living in Spain has great perks such as the weather, food, culture, great places to see, spectacular beaches, among many more, plus the fact that economically Spain is one of the best countries to live in.
What are some of the tax benefits?
It grants the possibility of having a special tax regime that is more beneficial for posted workers, which involves paying tax at a fixed rate of 24% up to 600,000 euros per year.

Digital Nomad visa
The Spain Digital Nomad Visa can be applied for at this moment. If you want us to help you, do not hesitate to contact us.
Some of the European countries that already have the digital nomad visa in place are Portugal, Croatia, Estonia and Hungary.
Yes, the spouse or person with an similar relationship of affectivity, the minor or adult children who, being economically dependent on the holder, have not constituted a family unit by themselves and the dependent ascendants, who join or accompany the foreigners, can apply, jointly and simultaneously or successively, for the authorisation and, if applicable, the visa.
Yes, as long as you can prove a professional relationship with the foreign company for which you work for a minimum of three months and the company authorizes the transfer to Spain.
They can be absent for a maximum of six months per calendar year in order to continue to meet the requirements for obtaining authorisation.
The visa is available for all nationalities that do not belong to the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland or beneficiaries of European, such as residence of a family member of a european citizen.